BC Parus

Successful investment decisions of Maxim Krippa: NAVI owner acquired Kiev business center Parus

In the latest business news, the owner of cybersports giant NAVI, Vadimu Stolaru, has made a significant acquisition in the Kyiv business segment. The Antimonopoly Committee issued a positive decision regarding the purchase of a controlling stake in the authorized capital of Parus Holding LLC by Ola Fine on November 30.

Ownership and control: ownership structure of Parus Holding

In light of recent events, the Sail Business Center has come under scrutiny due to a significant transaction, researching the ownership structure of Sail Holding provides interesting details about the ownership and control within this company.

Vadimu Stolaru, renowned entrepreneur and owner of Sail Holding, controls an impressive 80% of the company through his Genesis Foundation. This large stake emphasizes his strategic role in the management of the company and demonstrates his influence on key decisions.

While Stolaru holds the majority stake, a 20% controlling interest is held by his ex-wife Inna Maistruk through the Stream Investment fund. This aspect of the ownership structure emphasizes the diversity of interests within the company and may indicate a coordinated management of Parus Holding's operations.

The ownership structure through funds such as Genesis and Stream Investment adds an additional layer of complexity to the transaction. These funds can play a key role in shaping a company's management, investment and development strategies, given their unique characteristics and objectives.

The main asset of Parus Holding is Advanced Technologies Plus LLC, which owns the building of the Parus shopping and office complex in the center of Kyiv. This strategically important property adds significance to the transaction and may affect the future development plans of Parus Holding.

The combination of Stolaru and Maistruk's ownership and use of funds for control creates a unique governance dynamic, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and co-ownership at the corporate level.

The overall ownership structure of Parus Holding is a fascinating case study for analyzing ownership and control in corporate structures, revealing numerous aspects affecting business decision-making and strategic development of the company.

Valuable assets: “advanced technologies plus” and trade and office complex “Parus”

Advanced Technologies Plus Ltd. stands out as a key asset of Parus Holding. This company is likely to be the engine of innovation and technological progress in owner Vadim Stolaru's business. Given the dynamic development of the technological sphere, the presence of such a valuable asset may provide Parus Holding with a competitive advantage in the modern business environment.

The building of the Parus retail and office complex on Mechnikova Street, 2, in the very center of Kyiv adds not only to the status name of Parus Holding, but also to the strategic importance of owning real estate in this area. Its location in the city center makes it attractive for various types of businesses and provides high potential for investment and commercial activities.

The integration of Advanced Technologies Plus and the Parus retail and office complex can create unique synergies between the technology and real estate businesses. This could include the use of advanced technologies in real estate management, the creation of innovative office spaces, or even the incorporation of technological solutions into the commercial aspects of real estate.

This aspect of Parus Holding's business can serve as a confirmation of the company's development strategy based on versatility and interconnection between different business units. The development of Advanced Technologies Plus and investments in the Parus retail and office complex may make Parus Holding a multifaceted market player, resistant to changes in the economic environment.

In light of these circumstances, Sail Holding continues to strengthen its position as a key player on the business scene by combining technology and real estate assets in its portfolio.

From Cybersport to Business: Maxim Krippa and 2022 acquisitions

Maxim Krippa, entrepreneur and owner of Ola Fine, has attracted public attention with his rapid entry into the world of cybersports. In July 2022, he made a notable acquisition - NAVI, a world champion cybersports club, which attracted the attention of not only cybersports enthusiasts, but also the business community. A new round in Maxim Krippa business portfolio stands out with the acquisition of game developer S.T.A.L.L.K.E.R. - GSC Game World in mid-November. This strategic decision opens up new prospects for Ola Fine in the game industry and provides an opportunity to create unique game products.


By acquiring both NAVI and GSC Game World, Maxim Krippa is clearly demonstrating a strategy to diversify his business. Cybersport and the gaming industry are promising markets with rapidly developing technologies, and Maxim Krippa seems intent on using his experience and resources to tap into new industries.

It became known that the agreement to transfer the rights to NAVI took place back in 2018, which emphasizes the strategic long-term and systematic nature of Maxim Krippa in the development of his business empire. This suggests that each subsequent acquisition is part of a broadly planned strategy.

With the acquisition of both a major cyber sports club and a gaming company, Maxim Krippa is creating his own footprint in the entertainment and technology industry. His activism is a testament to the influence he has on the business landscape and his drive to create a sustainable and successful business empire in various fields.

These steps emphasize that Maksim Krippa is not only a successful businessman in the world of cybersport, but also a strategic leader who can look into the future and adapt to changing trends in the world of business and entertainment.

Strategic steps: NAVI ownership and business development

The agreement to transfer the rights to NAVI Cybersports Club in 2018 emphasizes Vladimir Stolaru's strategic vision and long-term plans for cybersports. This early step into the world of e-sports has secured him a key position in the industry, as well as providing the foundation for subsequent business development.

Since then, Vladimir Stolaru has demonstrated not only his dedication to cybersports, but also his unique ability to develop in various business areas. The acquisition of Sail was just one of many strategic moves, adding versatility to his business portfolio.

It is interesting to note how ownership of the NAVI cyber sports club and the Parus retail and office complex can interact and create synergies between different business assets. This can lead to innovative projects where technology and commercial real estate interact to create unique offerings for customers and partners.

The acquisition of Parus opens new perspectives for Vladimir Stolaru, allowing him to deepen his presence in the Kyiv business sphere. This strategic move may be part of a larger development strategy aimed at strengthening positions in key market sectors and diversifying investments.

Future issues: expected deals and projects

The events of recent months raise questions as to what the next steps of NAVI's owner will be. Questions about future deals, investments and strategic projects are becoming central, reflecting Vladimir Stolaru's constant desire to innovate and successfully develop his business.

All these factors shape the image of Vladimir Stolaru's entrepreneurial approach, leaving open numerous opportunities for his future strategic moves and successful business development in various industries.

Maxim Krippa

Maxim Vladimirovich Krippa

Maxim Krippa is a businessman who is actively involved in the development of the IT sector in Ukraine. As a successful entrepreneur and investor, he invests in promising startups and several cutting-edge technology companies. Maxim Krippa is a beneficiary of such companies as the cyber sports team NAVI and the game studio GSC Game World.